Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection You should check the oil level before every flight. You should check the oil level before each flight, and check the POH to determine if you have the right amount of oil for the length of the flight. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection What paperwork is required to be in the airplane for U.S. operations, in addition to the operating limitations and weight and balance information? Items that must be carried on board the airplane for U.S. operations include the airworthiness certificate, registration, operating limitations, and weight and balance information. A radio station license is only required for international operations. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection Select the true statement regarding checking the fuel level during the preflight inspection. You should visually check the fuel level before every flight by looking into the tank and/or measuring the level with a graduated stick. Verify that you have sufficient fuel for the flight and that the amount of fuel in the tanks corresponds to the amount shown by the fuel quantity gauges. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection There is normally only one location on the airplane from which to drain the fuel system. You normally need to drain the fuel system in several places. You should always check the POH to make sure you don't miss any drain locations. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection If something is blocking the opening of the pitot tube, you should attempt to remove it yourself. You should never try to remove something in the pitot tube opening since you could damage the pitot system. Instead, consult an aviation technician. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection You should make sure the ignition is off before you begin the preflight inspection of the airplane's exterior. Make sure the ignition is off, so that if you turn the prop during the preflight inspection, you won't end up starting the engine by mistake. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection Water present in a fuel sample will rise to the top of the tester. Water is heavier than fuel and will collect in the bottom of the fuel tester. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection How can you determine if you have the correct grade of fuel in your airplane's tanks? You can tell the grade of fuel you have by looking at its color. For example, 100LL is light blue. So you can see the fuel's true color, hold the sample up against a white surface, not the blue sky. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection Dark-colored metal deposits near the rivets on your airplane's skin can indicate what? Overstressing the airframe can cause the rivets to wear down, leaving a trail of dark-colored metal deposits. To make sure there is no structural damage to the airplane, an aviation technician should check this condition. Maneuver 1 Preflight Inspection Select the true statement regarding the preflight inspection. You should make sure you study the POH for your airplane, and follow that specific checklist for performing the preflight inspection. You should remove the control lock at the start of the preflight so you can check the airplane's control surfaces for freedom of movement. An FAA-approved minimum equipment list (MEL) is not required on all aircraft, although you may fly in an airplane that has one. Maneuver 2 Engine Starting You only need to clear the area in front of the propeller before starting the engine. Always remember to check in front of and behind the airplane. Gravel and rocks can be blown back by the propeller and damage anything that's behind your airplane. Maneuver 2 Engine Starting What is the first thing you should check once the engine is started? The first thing to check when the engine starts running is the oil pressure gauge. If you don't get an indication within 30 seconds in warm weather, or about 60 seconds when it's cold, shut the engine off. If the engine continues to run without oil pressure, you could cause serious damage to it. Maneuver 2 Engine Starting You typically need to prime the engine less in warm weather than in cold weather. Some POHs recommend priming less when it's warm outside, and not at all if the engine is hot. Maneuver 2 Engine Starting If it's cold outside, what can you do to make starting the engine easier? When the temperature drops, the oil in your engine gets thicker and, in extreme cases, can congeal in the oil cooler. This makes it harder for the pump to get the oil to the vital parts of the engine during starting. Preheating the engine helps to warm the oil. Maneuver 2 Engine Starting If your airplane doesn't start, set the parking brake and turn the prop by hand. Only attempt to hand prop an airplane if there is a qualified pilot at the controls and you have been trained to do so. Maneuver 2 Engine Starting Anytime the engine is running, you should make sure what item is on? On a busy ramp, it's sometimes hard to tell which airplanes are running. The beacon gives a good visual indication to anyone outside the airplane. Maneuver 3 Taxiing When taxiing into a right quartering headwind, how should the ailerons be deflected to correct for the wind? When you taxi into a quartering headwind, the upwind aileron should be in the up position. In a right quartering headwind, you should turn the yoke all the way to the right so the right aileron is up. Maneuver 3 Taxiing What is the safest way to taxi through a congested area? If you taxi slowly enough, you will be able to stop by simply throttling back or shutting down the engine. This will help you avoid an accident if your brakes fail. Maneuver 3 Taxiing When you taxi in a left quartering tailwind, how should you position the controls? When taxiing in a quartering tailwind, hold the yoke forward so the elevator is down to prevent the wind from lifting the tail. The aileron should be down on the side from which the wind is coming, so turn the yoke to the right. This moves the left aileron down and the right aileron up. Maneuver 3 Taxiing Select the true statement about taxiing in icy conditions. You can receive airport surface information from ATIS or flight service. Braking action is reported as good, fair, poor, or nil. Be aware that if you start to slide, you should reduce the throttle to idle, or stop the engine, to minimize your loss of control. Maneuver 3 Taxiing When taxiing in a right quartering tailwind, how should the ailerons be deflected to correct for the wind? The aileron should be down on the side from which the wind is coming, so turn the yoke to the left. This moves the right aileron down and the left aileron up. Maneuver 3 Taxiing When you taxi in a left quartering headwind, how should you position the controls? When you taxi into a quartering headwind, the upwind aileron should be in the up position. In a left quartering headwind, you should turn the yoke all the way to the left so the left aileron is up. Maneuver 3 Taxiing Select the true statement regarding the use of brakes during taxiing. You can use the brakes separately to help you make your turns a little tighter when you taxi. You should use the brakes to slow down only when you can't decrease your speed by reducing the power. If you use the brakes to control your speed without reducing the power first, the brakes could overheat, or wear out quickly. Maneuver 3 Taxiing Due to positive transfer of learning, your previous experience driving a car will help with your ability to learn how to taxi. When something you've learned before conflicts with a new skill you're trying to master, it's called a negative transfer of learning. You should be aware of this when you learn to taxi, since your previous experience driving a car could interfere with your ability to learn how to taxi. Maneuver 3 Taxiing You generally need less power to get the airplane rolling than you do to keep it going. Once you're moving, reduce the power so you are not moving too fast. You generally need more power to get the airplane rolling than you do to keep it going. Maneuver 3 Taxiing Receiving a progressive taxi means the controller will give you more detailed taxi instructions or step-by-step directions as you move along the taxiways. If you're at a tower-controlled airport, and you're not sure where to go, you can ask ground control for a progressive taxi. This means the controller will give you more detailed taxi instructions or step-by-step directions as you move along the taxiways. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check During the control surface check, turning the yoke to the right causes what control surface deflection? Turning the yoke to the right causes the right aileron to move up and the left aileron to move down. If you extend your thumbs while turning the yoke, they will point at the aileron in the up position. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check After applying carburetor heat during the runup, you notice a large initial drop in r.p.m. with engine roughness, followed by a slight r.p.m. increase. What may cause this indication? If you notice a large initial drop in r.p.m. with engine roughness, followed by a slight r.p.m. increase, you may have carburetor ice. This ice can form during taxi in high humidity or visible moisture. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check If no altimeter setting is available, set your altimeter to field elevation. Set the altimeter to the current altimeter setting given by ATIS or ATC. If no altimeter setting is available, use the field elevation. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check Select the true statement regarding the before takeoff check. When you set the altimeter to the current setting given by ATC or ATIS, it should read within 75 feet of field elevation. If you have passengers, make sure they are belted in prior to takeoff and they know how to fasten and unfasten their seat belts and shoulder harnesses. Prior to takeoff, the oil pressure gauge should indicate in the green, but oil temperature may not be in the normal range until after takeoff. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check During the magneto check, any drop in r.p.m. signals there is a problem with the engine and you should not fly the airplane. During the magneto check, there should be an r.p.m. drop as you turn the ignition to each magneto. Make sure the power loss isn't more than the maximum r.p.m. drop shown in the POH. If there is no drop in r.p.m., there may be a broken magneto ground wire, and you should have an aviation maintenance technician check it out. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check During the magneto check, what condition may cause there to be no r.p.m. drop? If there is no drop in r.p.m. during the magneto check, there may be a broken magneto ground wire, and you should have an aviation maintenance technician check the problem. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check What should you do with the mixture when taking off from a high altitude airport? At a high altitude airport, the air is less dense so the engine needs less fuel than it would at sea level. In order to maintain the correct fuel to air ratio, you should follow the POH recommendations for leaning the mixture correctly for the altitude. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check Unless you are assigned a specific code by ATC, you normally set the transponder to what code for VFR flight? The standard transponder code for VFR flight is 1200. However, at some controlled airports, you may be assigned a specific code for identification purposes. Maneuver 4 Before Takeoff Check During the control surface check, pulling back on the yoke causes what control surface deflection? To check the elevator for proper movement, pull the yoke all the way back and make sure the elevator moves up. Then, move the yoke full forward to make sure the elevator moves down. Maneuver 5 Postflight Procedures You should deplane any passengers before you shut down the engine. For safety reasons, you should always shut down the engine before anyone gets out of the airplane. If passengers leave the airplane while the engine is running, they risk serious injury from the propeller. Maneuver 5 Postflight Procedures At a tower-controlled airport, whom should you contact for a taxi clearance once you're clear of the runway after landing? Once you're clear of the active runway, you'll contact ground control for taxi clearance unless the tower specifically instructs you not to. Maneuver 5 Postflight Procedures Move the mixture to full rich before turning off the ignition switch. Typically, you shut the engine down by first pulling the mixture control to the idle cut-off position, then turning off the ignition and the master switch. Check your airplane's POH for complete engine shutdown instructions. Maneuver 5 Postflight Procedures Why should you turn off the carburetor heat before you taxi? You should turn off the carburetor heat once you're clear of the runway and before you continue taxiing to the parking area. This will keep unfiltered air from entering the carburetor and possibly causing engine damage. Maneuver 5 Postflight Procedures Which graphic illustrates the hand signal for stop? Hand signal 3 shows the signal for stop. Hand signal 1 shows the signal for a left turn, and 2 shows the signal used if the ramp agent wants you to slow down.